Thursday, November 27, 2014

A Chill in the Valley Springs Forth......... November 24, 2014


Well, in comparison, it is very warm here in the Valley of the Sun. But the mornings have been around 45 degrees! Yes, it is brisk! The days are still super nice, though. I like it. The really weird thing that happens here, is that it doesn't really feel like the holiday season. Some houses have started stringing their Christmas lights along the porch, and the cactus and the palm trees, and a lot have the huge blow up snowmen or reindeer and crazy things. We have to make up for the lack of snow down here! After Thanksgiving the Christmas season will really explode! I remember last year.... But it's fun, to see all the silly and cute things people use to decorate :)

And we can't forget the missionary work here! The lights around are especially great, because it helps us as we invite people to the Mesa Temple Christmas Lights! Everyone, Christmas lights are amazing and beautiful, so you can bet there is nothing more spectacular than a beautiful majestic temple of the Lord surrounded by the spirit of Christmas- the REAL Spirit of Christmas! There's a new video coming out from the church, called, He is the Gift. It launches on November 28th, the day after Thanksgiving. WATCH IT!! In the December Ensign, nine pass along cards about the movie, featuring the real Gift of the Christmas Season (Christ!!!). What we are being asked to do (we being EVERYONE) is SHARE the Spirit of Christmas! Share a card with a friend, and you are simply sharing a video that is only a few minutes long, that will uplift anyone this Christmas Season! Please, do your part to share the message of Christ! As missionaries, we're supposed to give out 10 cards a day. Wow. We're working on it. Do you think you can give away a few cards to your friends? That is my challenge to you this week!!!! It's a lot like the video I shared with you last Easter, called Because of Him. It's so good! Here, you can watch it again:

Whoot. I'm so excited.

So hopefully I didn't sound like a salesperson or anything, that would be annoying. That's just what's up in missionary work right now!

Besides that....

We read from the Book of Mormon with Sharon, which was great! She asked us what the next lesson is, and she asked us to teach it to her, along with reading the Book of Mormon with her. So, soon we'll be teaching her about the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Hopefully we can continue to teach her, and help her to begin progressing.

We also met with the Bentley's in Shadow Mountain ward, a less active family. Their 13 year old daughter was baptized, but her records were lost, so technically she is not a member. The mom, dad and daughter all came to church on Sunday! The daughter is accepting to us teaching her, but she is still hesitant about it. The father is a convert, who seems to be very confused about many things. Hopefully we can get the ward members involved, as well as the Elders, and we can all work together to help them to learn! We plan on teaching the daughter, Julie, in Young Women's on Sundays, since she is the only Young Woman her age, and her home is not a place that is good to teach the lessons (her father gets too involved and won't let anyone talk). So, hopefully that will go well!

We are working (or trying to work) with quite a few less actives. A whole bunch of people were supposed to be at church, but then didn't come. It's always so disappointing when that happens. But we will continue to keep working with them and loving them!

I think as missionaries (and especially as sister missionaries), what we do best is love people! As a missionary, I can truly feel a Christlike love for the people around me, and especially the people we work with. I so badly want all of them to come unto Christ and find lasting happiness! That's why I'm still here, working. I love this work, and I pray that we can all do our best to help others who may be wandering away, or who are striving to find the path. We can help them!

I love you all! Happy Thanksgiving! (on Thanksgiving we have breakfast at 8, cooking at 10 and then eating at 12, another dinner at 2, and polynesian party at 4, and one more dinner planned for sometime after that. That will be a crazy, fun, and possibly sickening day. so excited!!)


Sister Hailey Brown

Hm, no pictures this week. Next week will be better!

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