Friday, July 25, 2014

Some miracles stick out more than others....​... July 21, 2014


So hey everyone! I'm alive! Most of you probably didn't realize how important that statement is right now....

We got in a really bad car accident this week. My companion and I in the back seat, two other sisters in the front. We got hit from the back left, and none of us saw it coming. Somehow or another, our car ended up upside-down in the street. Yes, it was terrifying and traumatic. But we all got checked out at the ER, and besides some bumps and bruises and cuts from the glass shatter, we're all pretty fine. Our car was not salvageable in any way shape or form, but four sister missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were all able to walk away (or crawl away or were helped or carried to the curb or whatever) virtually unharmed. The man who helped me with Sister Tucker agreed with me as I consoled her and reminded her that we are daughters of God and that He loves us and protected us. He said he was of a different faith when I asked if he had ever met with the missionaries, but we both know that God loves all His children. (Yes, I've been a missionary so long that opportunities to share the gospel are grabbed even 90 seconds after running from a car we all think is going to blow up.) We may not know why the accident happened, or why it had to happen to us, but even running through the mess on the road collecting our belongings I thought to myself, "Everything happens for a reason." I can truly say that this experience has strengthened my faith. Plus, it was really exciting, and we got to chill at the mission home for the next day or two and watch movies and rest. But really, if you want to increase your faith, don't do it this way, okay? :)

Besides the crazy accident which basically put us out of commission, we had a great week! We have three new investigators, two of which are a couple who called the church last Sunday wanting to learn more. We are excited to teach them!

Our investigator Brandon is doing really well. He came to the Youth activity Wednesday night, a huge water party, and to the ward party Saturday night, and to church. Yay!

So that was our week. I am so thankful that we are all alive and functioning just fine, and that we are able to go back to work. Can anyone say this wasn't a miracle?

I love you!! Wear your seatbelts!!!!

Love, Sister Hailey Brown

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