Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Life of the Tripanions​hip.......​......June 30, 2014


Hey Friends! Still holding up in the heat down here!

This week has been strange being with two companions, especially when one is training the other. It's basically been a week of being a huge third wheel. Only not.

Well, I got the news last night that I am now 100% going to be transferred on Wednesday. President says he has several options right now, so by this evening he will know where I am going. Too bad you all will have to wait until next Monday! sorry!

This week we went out to breakfast with a potential investigator, a woman named Kyle who is friends with some people in the ward. We went to this DELICIOUS place called The General Store on Pinnacle Peak Road, and basically shared the message of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the earth. She agreed with the things we said, asked questions for clarification, and brand new Sister Knapp asked her to be baptized when she knew these things were true! And Kyle said yes! It all just makes so much sense to her ( and to all of us!) and she is so prepared! She is so great and we love her a ton!

Sad news, we finally got in touch in our investigator Tyler again, and he said he just didn't feel the need for church or religion in his life. But we know that we have taught him true principles that he can now look back on and remember at another time in his life, when he will be ready. It was really hard, because all the things he wants are found in The Church of Jesus Christ! But he is young, and is looking for them in other places. We all must make our own choices in life. We just want everyone to come unto Christ!

We had an exchange on Saturday, so I had two brand-new sisters, Sister Knapp and Sister Thomas, with me in Cave Creek. It was so great! We contacted a bunch of people, and were lead by the Spirit. I love the faith of these brand new missionaries! they really do work miracles.

One miracle was our meeting with Bob Bryan, the less active we've been meeting with regularly. We read and discussed 2 Nephi 31 with him, and he committed to come to church! (well, he said he won't commit, but that there is a more than 50% chance he would be there.) He knows he needs to come, but he just keeps putting it off for another time. But, lo and behold, HE CAME!!!!!! We were so happy to see him there! and the best part? he stayed all three hours!! and he said there is a 99.9% chance he will come next week! We know he will find so much happiness in the gospel, and all of those blessings can only come from church attendance and from feeling the Holy Ghost there, and from taking the sacrament! So important!

So yay!! Unfortunately, everyone else is out of town..... But I am so blessed to have to opportunity to have been here and meet these people and help them. I can't know if I have touched their hearts, but I know that they have touched mine. I have felt God's love for these people here, and His desire for them to come to Him and partake of His blessings. His love is overwhelming and all-encompassing and a little bit incomprehensible. But I know without a doubt that God is there, and that He loves and knows each and every one of us, because we are literally His children. Did you know you were born with a royal birthright? We are all sons and daughters of our Heavenly King.

Okay, "Martha Washington" just marched through the Cave Creek Library with a bunch of preschoolers on parade, waving little American flags and singing "Yankee Doodle Dandee" and "It's a Grand Old Flag." It was so cute! Gotta love the holidays!

I love being here on a mission! Thank you all for all of your love and support. It means the world to me!

I love you all! Be safe, and be happy! God loves you!!!

Love, Sister Hailey Brown

We had a super cloudy overcast day this week! Lots of wind, but no rain... yet!
MacDonalds' Ranch! With an Arizona painting horse. :)
And yes, here we share the road with horses, not bicycles. But usually it's a little of both :)

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